Screen shots from some CGUI examples.
a zip with gif:s(92k)
or a tar with png:s(k)
containing images with all the below examples .
Misc. object types
Annotate objects with icons
, can be of different types, needs to be tested live...
Slider objects
, some different views. (From version 1.4)
A screen mode selector
is in the package.
A simple list-box
Resizable objects
, useful specially for list-boxes.
Containters to group and organize objects
Icons on the desk-top
, can be nested.
Tab windows
, is a "must" for user friendly design.
The file-selector and file-browser.
(From version 1.4) Note some features:
Browsing within Allagro data-files
Menu for customizing
Resizing of window
Multi-masks (editable, not fixed alternatives).
A "game"
(using the canvas object for animations)